Adopting vs Buying
When you adopt a bunny from the San Diego House Rabbit Society, you’re not only providing a forever home to a shelter animal, but it makes financial sense too!
Every bunny from SDHRS is vaccinated and spayed/neutered (with paperwork), and we provide one free annual vet wellness exam to help you keep your bunny happy and healthy. These essential health checkboxes are expensive, but we provide them for every one of our bunnies because we’re committed to their wellbeing.
Please consider adopting from a trusted rabbit rescue who truly prioritizes the health and happiness of their adoptables.
When you adopt a rabbit from SDHRS, you know you are adopting from a 501(c)(3) non-profit, shelter, and rescue. We provide paperwork, disclose all medical history and ensure our adopters are comfortable with their care, and provide constant support and communication. Rabbits for sale or obtained through independent parties may charge an “adoption fee” with no paperwork nor guarantee that the rabbits are healthy, fixed, vaccinated, or microchipped.
All SDHRS rabbits are spayed or neutered before they are available for adoption and we pay special attention to the rabbits post-surgery to ensure they recover well. Spaying and neutering rabbits prevents accidental litters, reduces reproductive cancer risks, reduces hormonal behaviors, improves litter box habits, and increases bonding success. Spays and neuters are surgeries that cost many hundreds of dollars, which is especially challenging in situations where unfixed rabbits lead to accidental litters and the number of rabbits needing to be fixed increases. Most independent parties do not offer this with their rabbits- if no paperwork is provided, it is safest to assume the rabbit is not fixed.
All SDHRS rabbits are vaccinated and kept up-to-date with their vaccines prior to adoption. With the presence of deadly Rabbit Hemorrhagic Virus Disease in San Diego County (and now in 20+ states in the US), vaccination is one of the most important preventative measures to keep your rabbit(s) safe. Most independent parties do not offer this with their rabbits- if no paperwork is provided, it is safest to assume the rabbit is not vaccinated.
At SDHRS, we provide a free or discounted wellness exam with a participating veterinarian so you can establish baseline records with your rabbit’s routine veterinarian. This is especially important as you establish care routines for your new companion and you know where to go for medical visits. Rabbits also adopted from SDHRS will also have their medical needs resolved or managed. Rabbit savvy veterinarians recommend annual visits. Most adoption centers and independent parties do not offer this with their rabbits.
At SDHRS, we always microchip our rabbits. If your rabbit ever becomes separated from you, microchipping vastly increases the possibility of being reunited. Additionally, if you travel across states or internationally, some destination states or countries require your pets to be microchipped to be approved for travel.
When compiling the total costs of buying or adopting a rabbit and making sure they are fixed, vaccinated, and microchipped, the accumulated cost of buying a rabbit can range between $885 to $1,490. In comparison, the accumulated cost of adopting a rabbit that is fixed, vaccinated, and microchipped is $85 for a single adoption through SDHRS.
Juniper (a brown lop with a white nose marking and blue eyes) sits in a pen surrounded by her litter of 5 (various colorings with browns and greys). This momma bun was found in a cardboard box alongside a San Diego highway. Her and her whole litter of 5 has been fixed, vaccinated, microchipped, and adopted through SDHRS.
And most importantly, we as a shelter and rescue are a safety net for our rabbits. Our policy for all rabbits adopted from our shelter includes the above, and guaranteed space in case shelter alumni have to be surrendered back to us. We screen potential adopters before sending rabbits home, but sometimes tragedy strikes and providing a rabbit with a healthy, enriching life is no longer possible. At SDHRS, we always accept our own rabbits back and make sure they receive all the care and attention they need. If they are adoptable, we try to find them a new home, and if they are medically compromised, we find them a sanctuary foster home to be spoiled at and loved.
Each of these rabbit care needs (spay/neuter, vaccinations, health exam, microchip) are important indications of a reputable shelter or rescue- and adopting from a reputable shelter or rescue ensures they can continue taking in new rabbits in need. Be sure to do your research before committing to bringing a new companion home and if you are interested in adopting from SDHRS, check out our adoption process today!