San Diego House Rabbit Society Wish Lists
You can help the rabbits at SDHRS by purchasing gifts from them and the shelter. These lists have been specifically created with the bunnies in mind!
Shopping at Costco, Target or Walmart?
Pick up an item or two to donate to the shelter rabbits. Below are the supplies that we use on a daily basis to keep the rabbits safe and clean:
Laundry soap (any of the “eco” brands)
Nitrile exam gloves (size S and M)
Paper towels
Toilet paper
AA and AAA batteriers
Copy paper
Puppy pads
Trash bags – 33 gallon
Trash bags - 50 gallon
“Kitchen” trash bags – 13 gallon
Postage stamps
Lysol Wipes
Professional Spray Bottles
Gallon Ziplock Bags
Vegetables for the Rabbits - cilantro, italian parsley, spring mix
The bunnies thank you for you for thinking of them!!